Data protection violations result in fines and reputational damage. Since May 25, 2018, the General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR) has regulated the protection of personal data. However, many companies only comply with these regulations to a limited extent or not at all.
Practical data protection: Here you can find out how data protection is actually implemented in everyday working life. Simply view the respective lessons online in this web portal and then answer the test questions.
As an association, you are responsible for your member companies and would like to support them in complying with the legal requirements of the Federal Data Protection Act when processing personal data?
As your partner in data protection, we offer to actively support your members with our experience and expertise in dealing with these tasks.
As an auditor, you need a partner who checks and analyzes the security of the company's IT systems for risks, particularly with regard to the availability, confidentiality and integrity of company information.
Phone: 02191-909 430
Phone: 02191-909 430
Phone: 02191-909 430
Phone: 02191-909 430